Monday, 31 October 2011

so what do you guys think, was the beating and banging a little bit out of hand this weekend at martinsville


  1. this was a good story and isn;t too bad at all they should have at it

  2. there's no such thing as too much beating and banging at Martinsville
    and I still say if you get your head out of your but/1970's way of thinking and build a metric chassis you'd see the light ,look at Sunset ,all the fastest cars are metric's !!!!

  3. Here jake, this is my comment im number 3 lol

  4. Bumping and grinding is all a part of racing, rough driving is different. If you're going to purposely drive like a dumbass than you get wahts coming to you...

  5. This is my comment! I am huge fan!! Love to watch you race!!

  6. It was short track racing at it's best...What else do you want to see on a half mile? Glad it wasn't Bristol

  7. To those who know short track racing, it was not out of hand. But because these NASCAR guys race on mile and a halfs each week where you see no bumping at all, then they think that this is out of hand as it's the extreme of what they're used to. If most of them went back to the short track level and had a look at what they had b4 they became big time, they'd be fine with it.

  8. well I'm betting comment #4 was making fun of J.R. lol
    and comment #5 was aunt Jamie

  9. Time for a new subject Jake lol how about did Herman Cain really grab that chick's couter?
